Thursday, June 4, 2009

Staying alive

I'm just trying to stay alive at this point. Yesterday I got the munchies and although I really want this bad, I'm realizing that it will be a constant struggle. Food, glorious food, is my enemy. For today, I'm just going to try and stay alive with my comittment to do it this time. I did get a little bit of exercise in so that is a good thing.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I decided on Monday to be weighed and measured at Curves. It was devestating but in reality I was almost exactly the same as I was a year ago. That goes to show that I can really play mind games with myself. I still feel very commited and good about everything. I was telling Bill last night that I was concerned about losing momentum after a month or so. I thought maybe I'd be there in a few months but he said more like 6 months. Well we are inthe sixth month of this year and look where I could be if I had stayed on a program. Oh well, the time will pass no matter what so I will stay with it and see the results. I've had good exercising and we are enjoying the new menues we are trying.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


It has only been about 5 days but I realized, very strongly, last night that I will still have struggles. I was not hungry, I was not sad - - -but I was alone and just kind of wandering. With that comes eating. I was determined to not cave in with sweets but I did have 3 pieces of toast and as I vixed each one, I told myself that I would use these as my flex points. That is really true and legal but I wasn't in control of the emotions. I realize these times will happen and I need to learn how to handle them.

As I thought about it when I went to bed, I know I need to have a plan. As I said, I was not hungry. I knew I was struggling with basic boredom. I could have easily got a book or a magazine, drank some water and a few other minor things. It was definatl manageable.

So, I will go on today and remain comitted. I see the scale going down and I see myself more and more in control.

This is a good feeling!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Weigh in

I weighed myself at Curves this morning. I weighed 185lbs with clothes and shoes on. I want to ignore the number and just try to get some of this weight down. Looking at the number makes it all seem so insurmountable. I can do this but need to keep in mind that it will be a day at a time and not get too impatient.
Here's to an in control weekend.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today started out good. I got up and rode my sationery bike - - did some 8 min Abs and Arms. It felt good. I feel motivated but have to keep reminding myself it will take a while. I'm older now and as I lose weight, my skin will sag. I will do the best I can. I was going through some old pictures yesterday and saw how good I looked. Why do I, in my mind, feel like I always needed to lose some weight. I looked dang sexy. I will get my weight down and do the best I can as far as toning and wearing the right kind of clothes. The eating is going good and that's 90% of the battle.

I'm going to try and see if I can get Dale on board with me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A good day

Yesterday was good, Eating was good. I went to Curves today and had a good workout. I have my meals planned for the day and feel in control. This is a good way to start. I feel the drive I need to lose this weight. I've been going through pictures and saw how good I used to look. loosing weight will make me feel better, look younger and I'll be happier with myself - - - being in control

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This will be boring not being able to come up with titles but that is the least of my worries. This is just for me for right now. I went to Curves today and tried to make a conscious effort to work hard. As Bill left for work, my thoughts were flashing in my mind of how I will handle this day. I have let food become so much a part of my comfort and it's not healthy food. I keep thinking "I'll enjoy one more day and then get started". I printed up all the recipes last night and so I'll make up my grocery list and get started on the right foot. This will be hard work but it is well worth it. The struggle I have is that I want it now and looking ahead a months make it seem so much harder. BUT.........those months will come no matter what and I'll feel so much better if I'm lighter when those months come and go. We are leaving 2 months from today for our cruise with the kids and I want a WOW reaction from them when we see each other. I know I can do is up to me and no one else. It's a new day.